My concern with bloggers…

I start law school in the fall and as I was reading the news on, I came across an article concerning law school.  The contributing writer is a blogger who I have no knowledge of and therefore decided to research her credentials. After reading her article, I was very shocked that CNN would allow an article with many grammatical errors and innaccurate information concerning law school.

I understand this particular article is not indicative of all bloggers nor should I assume every blog will contain such blunders. However, this does represent how accessible posting misleading information to a reputable online source can be.  Although blogs are based on opinion, and everyone has a right to their view, this reflects what we discussed in class. Do blogs allow anyone to become an expert in their opinion? Is this a benefit to the intellectual progression of society? Perhaps I need to research more well-established bloggers, but I think it’s very important that information still be given by professionals.

I’m not sure if it is due to respect for someone’s trade or profession, but if I have questions about my car, I prefer to consult an experienced Mechanic. If I have questions regarding my health, I prefer to consult a doctor. Blogging definitely serves as an excellent tool to provide information to a mass audience. Perhaps we should set restrictions on who can post on given topics by qualifications. The alternative would also be to simply ignore bloggers who do not show to have expertise or experience in their particular field. I have posted the link below to the article I found to be anything but helpful.

How doesYouTube contribute to the progess of society?

The YouTube video by Wesch is a very interesting analysis of how YouTube is impacting society and relationships. As social media  such as the radio and television have changed communication in society, the internet and websites such as YouTube have also impacted how people interact  and identify with each other.

Reality, identity, social responsibility, and human relationships thus begin to interact in forms never before ventured. I personally view Youtube maybe two or three times a week. I know it’s not very much but I only connect to YouTube if there is something I cannot find elsewhere. I.E. Documentaries, interviews, political videos, historical footage, or sometimes just to search comical videos.

As in any medium, positive and negative results may prevail depending on how the media is used. I agree there are many great videos on youtube that are used for the benefit of society, yet there are also trivial videos that provide zero benefit in my opinion. As I stated above, sometimes I just want to laugh and I search for something comical on youtube. Other times I want to learn and search for something that will have an intellectual benefit.

We are in an extremely unique time in society where media is influencing identity and human relationships through a global connection; the internet. Since we are still learning and exploring new ways to evolve through media, it is imperative that we also implement social responsibility.  In a democracy it can be difficult to gain advocacy for censorship, however innovative ways must be created to ensure that these new media outlets are to the intellectual progression of society, and not just of time and energy.


Twitter: A new fad or a revolutionary social medium?

Until I started this class, I did not have a twitter account yet I was aware that political movements were organized by twitter and that celebrities had an enormous following.  My sister is an attorney with her own law firm and posts daily twitter updates on legal matters, nonetheless I was still not motivated to create a twitter account. Johnson and Huberman both make an interesting analysis of the uses of twitter. I agree with Johnson that twitter can add productive insight such as his example of the Educational conference but as Huberman questions, I wonder if twitter is just another social fad.

I’m still not sure how I will effectively use twitter this semester. I signed on last week and added people who are of interest to me such as Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim and the hopeful future President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto. I did review Time magazine’s Top 10 ways that Twitter will Change American Business and I was impressed by some of the examples given. Marketing, advertising, government tracking, micro payments are all fascinating avenues that twitter seems to have a future grasp upon. Even though I’m only in my 20s, I still prefer the face to face communication when it comes to business, politics, and sharing moments among friends and family. I understand that times and technology change and you can either be left behind or update your means of communication. I will have to wait and see how I can utilize twitter to my benefit.

Media Censorship

Two years ago, I lived in Shanghai, China for  a Business Development internship. While I learned a great amount in business which helped grow our family businesses, I also experienced a different society compared to my birth country of Mexico and my current residence in the United States.

The Chinese practice a level of censorship in various aspects of their lives ranging from art, laws, and social media such as the internet, films, and advertising. I don’t think the U.S. will begin censoring films and the internet like the Chinese, however I did find a social benefit to such censorship. Should the U.S. censor aspects of the Internet? What would be the advantage?

Below is an article on the Chinese blocking the movie Transformers from being played in China. For many Americans, this may seem as a violation of free choice and freedom, but in this case, I have to salute the Chinese for sticking to their Nationalism.

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